Create powerful, highly personalized offers at the precise moment they will be most effective.

If you can’t make real-time personalized offers, you lose the opportunity to make them at all.

The average customer or subscriber now makes decisions in a little more than the blink of an eye.

5G has raised the bar on latency, allowing for fast data decisions in single-digit milliseconds.

The built-in latency of legacy architectures means personalization decisions cannot occur in true real time.
FLYTXT Case Study
Flytxt, a pioneer in marketing and AI technology, selected Volt Active Data to support their customer lifetime value management solutions for subscription- and usage-based businesses within the telecom, banking, utilities, media and entertainment, and travel sectors.
Read our case study to learn why Flytxt CTO Prateek Kapadia recognizes Volt as a key technology enabler for driving significant value for them and their customers.
The New Age Of Hyper-Personalization
Is your hyper-personalization engine subtracting value by going too slow, missing opportunities completely, or sending the wrong opportunity to the wrong customer at the wrong time?
Hyper-personalization needs to happen and it needs to happen in the moment with intelligent, real-time data decisions. Read our solution brief to learn how Volt is helping companies deliver true hyper-personalization, resulting in higher revenue, lower customer churn, and more.
Your (Shortening) Window Of Hyper-Personalization Opportunity
Whether you’re in gaming, telecommunications, retail, finance, or any other industry where being able to present the right offer at the right time is essential for success, you’re probably struggling to keep up with the rapidly changing data landscape.
The idea of “low latency” isn’t even close to what it was just a few years ago. And with things like 6G coming soon, the demands being placed on your tech stack, due to the incredible increase in data volumes, are becoming massive. This type of environment requires a new type of data platform, one that can meet the demands of processing data at extreme low latency while still being able to support scalability, consistency, and accuracy.
Volt Active Data – The Only Data Platform Built For Sub-10 Millisecond Personalization Decisions
A powerful hyper-personalization data platform increases ARPU by presenting offers of value to customers when they are most open to an offer.
Traditional hyper-personalization engines are too slow to produce offers within the small but critical window of opportunity for success. There are many factors that go into presenting a real-time offer (ie, recognizing the opportunity, deciding what to do, building the offer, sending it back, and rendering it on the screen). It’s obvious that the critical part of that process —deciding whether to make the offer and what offer to make— must be done in the shortest time possible. In fact, customer use cases have proven that this must happen in less than 10 milliseconds.