Enable quick, intelligent decisions on volatile data

Faster than legacy tech
Faster than NoSQL
Ingest to act
If you’re involved with the development of any of your company’s streaming-, AI/ML-, or data management-related applications or systems, you’ll want to look into partnering with Volt.
Humans react in seconds; machines in (single-digit) milliseconds.
When the end user is a human, you can get away with taking a couple of seconds to produce a response. But when it’s an IoT device or a microservice, delays and inaccuracies can have serious real-world implications. Call connections drop. Manufacturing robots run amok. Revenue opportunities disappear.
Volt can provide responses in single-digit milliseconds even when processing hundreds of thousands of transactions per second.
How Volt Enables Low Latency
Process first, then store
Unlike most other data platforms, Volt processes data first, then stores it, instead of vice versa. Each CPU core is 100% focused on one transaction at a time and wastes zero cycles switching between clients.
Simplified Stack
A single layer handles persistence, processing and everything else at the maximum possible speed — usually under 10 millisecond from ingest to act.
Designed for speed
The Volt Active Data Platform was built to be fast. It uses an in-memory database designed by Turing Award Winner Dr. Michael Stonebraker.
Yes – We can prove it
See one of our multiple documented benchmarks or chat with one of our solution consultants today.