Big Data London
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Stop fraud before it even happens with a fast-decisioning data platform made for 5G.
Create powerful, highly personalized offers at the precise moment they will be most effective.
Identify problems in real time, before they cause downtime
Build transactional stream processing applications that ensure correctness, serve requests in under 10 milliseconds, and use minimum resources.
Simplify your tech stack to fully capitalize on edge data.
Tap into new business opportunities emerging from a smarter connected world
Get a 10X return on your investment in AI and ML with the only data platform that enables you to monetize user events in real time, at scale.
Enable charging accuracy and network policy efficiency with the only data platform built for 5G.
Profit from real-time mediation in the age of 5G.
Test Drive the World’s Leading OLTP
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Real-time data streaming has become a
1 min read
Volt Active Data V7.5 is now available, with a fine set of features sure to excite our customers, including: For full info, see visit our docs site, Release Notes page. Give Volt Active Data a test drive — download it for 30…