9 min read
Over the last decade, SQL has fallen out of fashion and is now seeing a resurgence. As applications become more complex, people realize they need a data manipulation language, and SQL is the obvious choice as it’s a proven and well-known mechanism…
9 min read
Need 640K TPS and perfectly accurate running totals? Volt Active Data has the answer. But it’s not what you’d expect… Anyone who has worked in the OLTP RDBMS space for any length of time will have noticed that heavy OLTP workloads don’t…
9 min read
Recently Forrester group has started to talk about “translytics” and Translytical Databases – databases that can “Deliver Analytics At The Speed Of Transactions”. Is this more marketing hype? Or is there something to it? A traditional OLTP database handles lots of rapid fire…
9 min read
My name is Yiqun Zhang and I worked as a software engineering intern on the SQL core team at Volt Active Data during the summer. The experience of working with so many smart and talented people was so much fun. I was…