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Telco networks have always generated fast data at line speed. In telco use cases like policy management, decisions are already made on that data in near real-time. In many other cases, network and customer data is backhauled into a data lake and…
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Financial services institutions are faced with a number of high-pressure demands, whether it be from regulators, investors, customers, and internal business users. These demands require that firms create, monitor, and provide access to vast amounts of data which must be immediately accessible,…
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Volt Active Data was one of the first companies to enable a new modern breed of applications, applications that combine streaming, or “fast data”, tightly with big data.We call these applications Fast Data Pipelines. First, a quick high-level summary of the fast…
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Let’s talk about The Internet of Things, or “IoT”. You cannot turn a page lately in the technology press and not see those three letters. The buzz is that IoT is a revolution. IoT is transformative. IoT is unavoidable – all true.…
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Pretty much anyone who knows adtech will tell you that header bidding is the future of the industry. Header bidding allows publishers to field ad bids in the header of a webpage, which is before anything else (including other ad placements) loads. This…
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Many Volt Active Data customers are creating externally-facing applications which face the potential of being hacked, with the applications and/or data being used in some fraudulent manner that can cost the businesses considerable time, effort and money. In addition, some of our…
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One of the reasons I love working for a leading-edge database company is that I get to talk to and work with many different kinds of companies. Data is everywhere, and companies across the spectrum are trying to harness that data to…
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What I’ve learned from working in the software industry is that the word “personalization” can mean many different things to many different people. My intent in this blog series is to explore the different meanings as they pertain to various industries: Mobile/Utilities,…
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Telcos run some of the most demanding data management environments in the business world. There’s the network environment: Telco network efficiency guidelines have extreme requirements for the availability and performance of network infrastructure, hardware, and software: known as “six 9s”, or 99.9999%…
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I work on the Volt Active Data Scrum team tasked to create interfaces – both import and export – to many other applications and systems in the broader ecosystem of big and fast data. It’s an always-interesting place to be since we’re…
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This blog was adapted from a post that first appeared on LinkedIn. There’s an interesting article in The Economist on consumer IOT. Here’s an interesting excerpt: Providers have focused on the home, touting products such as coffee pots that turn on when the alarm…
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This post was contributed by Prateek Gera, Founder and Chief Product Officer of Volt Active Data partner company Teevr Data. From our experience working with many customers and partners, Enterprise IoT, IIoT, promises to bring a new business paradigm with pervasive, inexpensive…