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Fast Data — some of our customers have told us that managing fast data is like drinking from a fire hose. I find it interesting how often water is used when talking about data. Clive Humby, back in 2006, called data the…
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How do you modernize the infrastructure of an industry as essential to our world as telecommunications? You could hedge your bets and start very carefully and slowly, which seems prudent. After all, telecommunications providers have extreme requirements for the availability and performance…
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We did a survey last year to see how enterprises viewed the need for “real time”(see https://www.voltactivedata.com/blog/worlds-apart-real-time-data-disconnect). Since we are leaders in the fast data space, we wanted to try to gauge where companies were on the real-time maturity curve. The results…
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In the newest version of Volt Active Data, we’ve added a new client API to make calling a single-partition procedure at every partition easier. This blog post explains what it does, why we did it, and how to use it.
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Billions and billions of transactions are executed each and every day by production-deployed Volt Active Data applications. A back-of-the-napkin calculation puts the number north of 50 billion a day. The number is likely much, much higher. These billions of transactions are executed…
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We get a lot of questions about what Volt Active Data is, what it does well, and how it can help enterprises solve a range of data management challenges. This post will address a few of those questions. We’ll have more posts like…
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I work on the Volt Active Data Scrum team tasked to create interfaces – both import and export – to many other applications and systems in the broader ecosystem of big and fast data. It’s an always-interesting place to be since we’re…
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We looked at the basic differences between NoSQL and NewSQL in a recent post. Now let’s break the differences down specifically by looking at what developers really care about: Don’t get us wrong – NoSQL databases are great for lots of workloads…
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NoSQL and NewSQL databases are popular solutions in the data management space. We’re sometimes asked to clarify the difference between the two approaches. Here’s what you need to know if you’re trying to decide which solution to adopt in your organization. NoSQL…
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I got some fairly harsh feedback for my last post, “Lies, Damned Lies and “Eventual Consistency.” It’s clear a lot of people were thrown by the assertion: There is no such thing as eventual consistency. There is only ‘Immediate Consistency’ and ‘Wrong’.…
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Working at Volt Active Data is a fantastic experience. Coming from Brown CS, I worked as a software engineering intern during the summer of 2016. I was part of the Data Replication (DR) team, which builds cross data-center replication and database backup…
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My name is Yuxuan Chen, a Brown University CS master’s student, and I spent this summer as an intern in Volt Active Data. It’s been a valuable experience for me. I work on the ecosystem team, and my work mainly focuses on…