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Is Your 5G Data Architecture Ready for Microservices?

1 min read

5G architecture recommends a service-based approach to enable end-to-end software defined network functions. Initially virtualization-based – and now heading toward containerization — a service-based approach inherently leads to a need for separation of state and business logic. What is missing in this thought-line is a clear understanding of the nuances of this separation.

On Wednesday, May 8th, we’ll explore this topic in further detail at our webinar, Is Your 5G Data Architecture Ready for Microservices? Hosted by FierceWireless and featuring expert insights from Volt Active Data’s Chief Technologist, Dheeraj Remella and Iain Gillott, founder and President of iGR, this live webinar will dig into some of the key considerations when choosing a 5G data architecture to support your journey into a composable architecture built on a microservices foundation.

Register now and join us on May 8th for analysis into topics, including:

  • What it means to separate business logic and state
  • What it means to have stateless containers, to scaling up and down
  • The role of structured data and unstructured data
  • What does a combination of streaming unbounded data and mission critical bounded data look like?
  • And more, if time permits

We hope to see you there!