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Volt Active Data Enterprise Edition on AWS – Fast, Easy, and Inexpensive

2 min read


We are excited to announce the availability of the Volt Active Data Enterprise Edition on AWS, a in-memory operational SQL database. Volt Active Data powers applications that require real-time intelligent decisions on streaming data for a connected world, without compromising on ACID requirements.

In just a few minutes you can launch a Volt Active Data cluster on AWS and start processing vast volumes of fast data. Volt Active Data was architected for the cloud, hundreds of organizations have been successfully using Volt Active Data on AWS for years. And now the AWS offering is better than ever; you get the full-featured Volt Active Data Enterprise Edition on AWS – blazing fast transaction processing with no limits!

Here’s what makes Volt Active Data on AWS the perfect choice for your app:

  • Cloud native: It’s distributed architecture is perfect for cloud computing.
  • Containerization: Supports hypervisor and container-based cloud platforms,
  • Resilience: Allows you to create and store multiple copies of your data.
  • Consistency: Offers no-compromise fully ACID, serializable transactions.
  • Complex event processing: You have the ability to make intelligent data-driven decisions on each event in the stream with embedded Machine Learning.
  • Programmability: Built-in functionality such as: materialized views, stored procedures, and user-defined functions.
  • High throughout: Billions of transaction/day; enabled by a single threaded, in-memory, distributed architecture with high availability.
  • Low latency: Architected for per-machine efficiency; to do more operational work for the same amount of computing resources.

No other solution on AWS can offer a combination of all these essential elements applied to defined real-time use cases and data patterns.

Additionally, Volt Active Data on AWS provides ultimate flexibility:

  • Pay-as-you-go: You are never locked into a contract, and can pay hourly without any long term commitments. Alternatively, you also have the choice to bring your own yearly Volt Active Data license to AWS.
  • One-stop-shop for billing & management, use your existing AWS account: The hourly cost of Volt Active Data can be priced in with your AWS bill, that way you only have one bill & vendor to pay.
  • Low total cost of ownership: Best of all you get all that Volt Active Data has to offer for a low price of just 2.85$/hour.

But, don’t just take our word for it, take Volt Active Data for a test drive now – visit AWS.